Total Door

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The Work Safe Playbook

Safety Area

When we started to think about what our new normal would be, we asked our risk mitigation and safety team to do a thorough review of our plant and procedures. After their review, they put together a comprehensive set of policies and physical changes that would need to be made to protect our team, our customers, and our visitors. We are proud of the incredible work that they did to produce our Work Safe Playbook.

The Playbook was distributed to everyone before we returned to work on May 18. It was put together using all the latest WHO, CDC and OSHA guidelines available, along with insights from government, business and other manufacturers. It includes guidelines for health and safety procedures, cross-functional teamwork, operating discipline and training.

The Playbook was distributed for both personal use and to communicate our expectations. Everyone is expected to read, understand and abide by the policies, guidelines and practices within it. As changes occur, the Playbook will be updated. Each individual is responsible for making sure their copy of the Playbook is up to date.

We’re sharing our Playbook with you and invite you to share with us the insights and practices you have put to use during the past weeks.

Playbook Highlights:

The Playbook outlines some of the physical changes created before we returned to work. We installed additional hand sanitizing dispensers throughout the work environment and instituted a schedule to frequently clean often-touched surfaces.

New signs are placed throughout the building, reminding everyone of the proper preventative measures we all must take.

To promote physical distancing, 6-foot intervals have been marked off on the floor and we have identified personnel limits for each area to minimize crowding.

We managed shift changes and staggered breaks to promote physical distancing and to allow us to thoroughly disinfect common areas in between usages.

On-site health screening and protocols were put into place, including requiring a temperature check and answering a safety questionnaire before each entrance into our facility.

Information and training regarding physical distancing, personal hygiene and self-health assessments were also included.

We are leading Playbook discussions and every discussion at Total Door Systems with our Rules of Engagement. This is particularly vital for ensuring dignity and respect for everyone on our team during hard conversations. We can do hard things, and do them easier, when we are all working together.

If you’d like a copy of the entire Playbook, email Candace Kitchen at

Selling Solutions vs. Products – Peter Elliott, Elliott & Associates

Peter Elliot speaking at Total Door Sales Meeting

From time to time, we’d like to share stories and tips from our sales reps in the field. For this month’s issue we talked to Peter Elliott of Elliott & Associates in Golden, Colorado. Peter has been a Total Door sales rep since September 2014. Besides running his own agency, he is also a member of your Total Door Systems Rep Advisory Council. Here’s what he had to say:

I think as sales reps, we tend to get very focused on our products. Rightfully so, but if you want to sell more product, I would say to be more solution oriented, regardless of product.

When you’re talking to an architect or design professional, we often want to rush in and show them our product and how knowledgeable we are. But, they’re often worried much more about an overall solution, versus a product. They often don’t care if the end result is a door or a curtain or whatever. Their goal is to ensure code compliance, show their clients that they’re spending their money wisely and if they can achieve aesthetics, too – that’s great. So, if you can supply them with a solution first and it happens to also include your product, they’re going to be more apt to embrace that because it fits into their overall solution.

That’s my tip for selling product overall. For Total Door, specifically, I always try to emphasize the design aspects. So, for instance, in the case of cross corridors or corridor separation, the code’s going to tell you that you need a door here that has these specifics and ties into the life safety and security systems, etc. So, if the code’s telling you that you must do this, wouldn’t you prefer to have something that is more acceptable from a design aspect and more integrated into your overall design concept?

So, for Total Door, you can lead with design and help the architect or designer to arrive at the point where they’re thinking, yeah I have to put a door there, but wouldn’t it be great if it looks just like a wall instead of a door? So, it’s presenting a combination of solutions: it’s code, it’s design intent, it’s presenting the design as a code compliant architecturally correct solution. To me, that’s the essence of Total Door.

If you have a story or tip you’d like to share, let us know, we’d love to talk to you.

DoorBuilder Tool Tip #2: Performing Searches

Total Door DoorBuilder Tool Tip

Our DoorBuilder tool is the fastest, easiest way to configure Total Door Systems and deliver a quote. And we’re sharing tips to make using this tool even easier.

Last month, we talked about how you can add or subtract the columns you want to review on your quotes page. In this month’s newsletter, we have some tips to help you find different items you want to review within the DoorBuilder tool.

One way to find things is to search by keywords in the search bar on the upper right side of the page, with the magnifying glass in it. Just enter your keyword, which could be a project name or a quote number, for instance, and then hit the return button.

DoorBuilder Tool Tip 2 - Search

If you want to do a search by distributor, just click on the filter icon in the upper left, next to where it says current filter. Then select which distributor you’re searching for from the dropdown menu on the right.

DoorBuilder Tool Tip #2 - Filter Function


Giving you Installation & Service Support

total door installation

We all know that repeat business is the best kind of business. One of the keys to having happy customers who come back for more is making sure their Total Door Systems are installed properly. We have your back – by giving you total installation support, including how to videos for installation and replacement parts.

On our website, you’ll find an installation video series that provides your installers quick visual guidance on how to install Total Door’s integrated door systems.

We also have service videos that cover step-by-step instructions on how to replace or service our components, including cylinder installation, latch 2 installation, grip install and a locking channel video.

Your service techs can watch the videos, download technical sheets or call our dedicated staff, who will answer any questions you may have about the process. They are available each weekday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern time.

#KnowYourCode in Virtual Reality

virtual reality smoke containment

As you know, we take fire safety and life safety codes very seriously. Total Door Systems is the only integrated assembly that exceeds the testing and rating requirements for elevator, hoistway, and elevator lobby codes. To demonstrate this, we showed a group of architects at ARC/US last November a virtual reality hotel fire emergency simulation.

It all relates back to making sure we meet the standards for code UL 1784 and making sure you #KnowYourCode when it comes to the testing of air leakage through door assemblies and other opening protectives installed in wall openings where air leakage is intended to be controlled.

In this virtual reality demonstration, the person is transported into a hotel hallway near the elevator door. As a fire burned on another floor, smoke moves through the elevator shaft and starts pouring into the hallway. Soon you can’t see through all the smoke.

Then, we show the scene again, but now the elevator door had a Total Door System fire door. Once the smoke starts to enter the hallway through the elevator shaft, our fire door closes and shuts off the flow of smoke. It was a very real difference the architects saw in this virtual reality simulation.

It is a good demonstration that Total Door Systems meet all life safety and compartmentalization requirements without sacrificing the architect’s vision. Our doors meet all fire codes and ADA guidelines, are BHMA-certified, and are sustainably manufactured with a UL EPD.

We recorded a video of someone experiencing this demonstration. It will give you a glimpse into what happens.

United Themes Shortcode Plugin

How to Onboard a Distributor

Total Door Onboarding Header Image


Just as there are things you can expect from Total Door Systems, there are things we expect from you, our sales reps. Perhaps the most important expectation is that each sales rep is expected to onboard a number of new distributors within your area and maintain those relationships.

The onboarding process varies from territory to territory, because each territory is unique in markets and distribution. On top of that, territory structure is ever evolving by the nature of changes to the market and changes to distribution. This is why you are so important to us. You are the ones who know your territory best. We are counting on you to understand the different nuances that make your territory unique and to help us evolve the structure of distribution.

Already we’ve evolved from an exclusive distribution model to one where you are encouraged to get multiple quotes for each project. Since everyone will get the same price from TDS, this creates healthy competition among the distributors on the final price to the end customer.

Let’s look at the onboarding process. You start with your core distribution and methodically build it from there. Look to add distributors who give you good market and geographical coverage. But, try to avoid market conflict.

When choosing which distributors to add to your base, look at what types of construction projects in your territory are in progress or slated to begin. Is it trending towards more commercial high rise, multi-family units, hospitality buildings, healthcare or some combination? Then, look at what is needed to penetrate these markets and which distributors serve these markets.

Once you’ve put that list together, which distributors fit the Total Door Systems profile the best? Areas to look at include sales and installation, their aftermarket focus, do they offer a broad “one stop” service approach, do they have access to the right markets and do they have the ability to influence product selection within their markets.

This is a brief look at how we view the distributor onboarding process. If you have other tips to add or any questions, don’t hesitate to let us know.

DoorBuilder Tool Tip #1: Building Columns


By now, most of you have worked with our new DoorBuilder tool and discovered it’s the fastest, easiest way to configure Total Door Systems and deliver a quote. Here’s a tip to make using this tool even easier.

Did you know you can add or subtract the columns you want to review on your quotes page within the DoorBuilder tool? All you have to do is click on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner of the page and then select or deselect which columns you want to see or not see.



Some of the columns you might want to add include: Net Price, Forecast Date and Probability of Sale. Once you’ve chosen which fields you want on your quote page, you can move them into what ever order makes the best sense to you. All columns can be ordered by clicking on the column name and dragging it to where you would like it to be placed.




Your Total Door Systems Rep Advisory Council



The council, formed in 2016, is a vital resource for insights and perspective. The Rep Advisory Council has been invaluable in sharing your feedback and creating new tools and resources to support your efforts. They are the best way for you to communicate your needs directly to us.

If you have an idea or see something that either isn’t working or could work better – pass your thoughts on to a member of the Rep Advisory Council. They will gather your feedback and then recommend what additional tools are needed to help you market Total Door Systems. With your help, they can also identify product opportunities, as well as identify and prioritize unmet customer needs. Once the ideas are gathered and are put into the works, the Council will provide oversite during the execution of the assigned projects.

Your Rep Advisory Council consists of:


Jeff Addis

Jeff Addis
Mayo Associates
Phone: 678.576.5753 | email:
His constituents include: PJ Polke Company, Rittner French & Associates and J Horth & Associates


Gary Deter
Architectural Door Consultants
Phone: 714.851.0303 | email:
His constituents include: Oberting & Associates, Smoot & Associates, Stewart D. Walker, Inc. and Architectural Sales & Associates


Peter Elliott
Elliott Associates
Office Phone: 303.429.0133 ex 12 | Cell Phone: 303.817.3388 | email:
His constituents include: Mitchell Sales & Associates, D.A. Loss Associates, Inc. and Connection
Network Agencies


Sam Haggard
Southwest Architectural Sales, LLC
Phone: 972.839.6901 | email:
His constituents include: Architectural Marketing Associates, P.B. Walker & Associates, The Bekon Group and Hardware Specialty Group.


Everyone Has a Role in Our Continued Success

When we all work together, playing off our strengths, we all do better. The factory, the sales reps and the distributors all have a critical role to play.

Here are the roles and expectations for each of us:

The Factory:

  • Provide the tools you need, such as DoorBuilder, Construct Connect, presentations and others, and make them easy to access and use
  • Support for both reps and distributors with training (at the factory and in the field), our website, quoting services, answers when you need them, etc.
  • Provide expertise in manufacturing, code compliance, fire rating and more

Sales Rep:

  • Identify and open distribution channels
  • Develop and train your distributor network
  • Promote Total Door Systems through AIA and other “Know Your Code” presentations
  • Monitor your close rates
  • Provide feedback to the Rep Advisory Council


  • Attend factory sales and installation training
  • Close projects
  • Project manage projects, including proper installation
  • Service existing projects in the area

Know Your Code Sheet Available – UL 1784

UL 1784 covers the testing of air leakage through door assemblies and other opening protectives installed in wall openings where air leakage is intended to be controlled.

One of the most powerful questions we can ask is: Does Your Door System Meet the Standard? Knowing the code in your territory, and understanding it well enough to ask local code officials if they are (or are not) enforcing it, or to educate architects and other customers what needs to be done to meet the standard can be a great way to get in front of key audiences.

Total Door Systems is the only integrated assembly that exceeds the testing and rating requirements for elevator, hoistway, and elevator lobby codes. We will be making informative cut sheets like this UL 1784 available on a consistent basis for your use. 

Download the UL 1784 Sheet


Total Door Systems 6145 Delfield Dr, Waterford, Michigan 48329
Ph: (800) 852-6660 | Fax: (248) 623-6866 |

Copyright © 2022 Total Door. All rights reserved
